Fools nation calm: what do we talk about today? Miter saw 10 inch 10 inch. Miter saw what is it the dw7 one? Three wow man got one right all right yeah. Why do we need a 10 inch? Miter saw it's nice because of the weight because a lot of times you're not cutting the you know the bigger lumber and stuff like that 10 inch. What'S the weight on this 30 compound 35 pounds nine pounds so as opposed to 12-inch miter that we love right. Yeah neither got 780, which is our favorite. Even Erik agrees. That'S the miter saw reviews in the market as far as now granted it doesn't have a glide system which is nice, the glides is beautiful, it's a hole saw and the hole saw as a whole. It'S just one of the best better job site saws that we think out there. But, like Eric said, you know, with the 10 inch we got a wood flooring project. We can carry this thing around, it's easy one-handed, then other things are pain. I almost need to people. I have to carry it upstairs to this wood project. We'Re doing well, it is, is heavily take it up. There, take it down and off the truck. You know and move it around it. Does you get ready unless you're taking and setting it up on a job just leaving it? Then it's not bad, but moving it around right and this star right here. You guys is a great bargain because it's like right around $ 200 and it doesn't have all the features like the double bevel compound. Miter saw sliding or anything like that, but it does miter and it does have a one-sided compound to it and how many amps, I think it's 15 mm 15 amps. So it's got the power to get through. You know what most 90 % of all your jobs are gonna. Do you know you're gonna be able to hear it, yeah it's a great little saw um? We also put these things on here. I don't know if you guys can see if I move it down, but there to dw7 three two one legs and now does this allow you to attach it to the big you know the guys it's the big one, not the little ones. I wish that I could see. Please see those legs, you guys right here. So basically you can just put it under the wall trail system, which we have, I just don't have it set up on there right now. Okay, go up now a couple things about to saw you guys when I first got this saw, I saw on that you can get a light system for it and that's what we like about the DW 780, the motor. So it doesn't come with one. It doesn't come with one, but now wait. The DW 780, which is the big 12 inch, has that light which cast the shadow which perfect cuts as long as you're, not in bright sunlight. So when I first got the Stars like little snooze, okay go ahead! Well, the DWS 780 or the DWS seven one three and then it said on Amazon: hey, you could buy this light kit for it formed a wall. That'S gonna kick in there and you know easily screw in and make it work. So I ordered it, but it only works with type-1, DWS sub or DW. Seven one three is type one. This is a type I believe the type ones are not manufactured anymore. Oh, that was kind of a letdown kind of a butter. No, you know what I know honestly I have like with the 12-inch one. I don't never turn that light on. What really don't? Are you serious? You know, what are you use for the line just a pencil? What and when you pull down the blade to look at it? I do because, if I'm out of the sunlight it does unless I'm cutting, you know if, when I'm cutting in the direct sunlight yeah, I do so, I don't really do it. I mean that's just me, though. No that's just you. You have no idea what you're talking about. I don't, but it's a nice. It'S a nice drill. Man yeah, it's great, that's a great hammer. No it's a good little saw you guys, uh. You know everybody thinks with the wall whores whatever did it uh? You know everybody makes your thing why you guys think that never knew that. Well, you know what I'm saying. I mean everything I think the wall makes really good um. You know stars uh, circular saws. I think the wall is a great brand right. You don't call me a whore for it. That'S fine! No, but I mean like your blades, I don't like their blades I'll, be honest with you. I, like any other blade better. I just think that the wall blades are kind of you know not the greatest out there, but really tool shop. You like better toss out blade yeah. Well, I don't think Oh saplings are better, but you know you can go with like a Diablo, a Bosch, something well yeah. The aisle it makes nice bar stirs a farce. Is nice yeah um, you know, but like Milwaukee has great reciprocating saw sawzalls. You know the wall has good Jill's. You know good miter saws who do off the wall. Well, yeah! That'S what I'm saying so pretty simple unit you guys basically just comes as is with the blade installed and a little bag on the back. You can't attach it to your dull system, if you so have one and another great thing about this eric is it fits on a bench yeah which is nice? How does it come out with this head, like the arms or uh? Ah, no not this unit, but these you know the fencers come and come out. That'S about it, but you know it's really easy to operate just like the other ones. You just grab and turn real smooth with your intent, your defense, 25. You know and right I don't know if you guys will get zoomed in on that yeah. But we'll show you um, you know it's just a great all-around saw you can go and I know what we did. The 909 just go out, buy yourself a hundred and thirty hundred $ 40 tennis or all day long. You know, but you're gonna spend a little bit extra for something like this quality and it's probably gonna be the last one you ever buy. Even if you're on a job site I'll, let you in Chicago, then it's gonna get stolen yeah. But you know pretty good stuff in the wall three year warranty what else we need to know about this thing I don't know I think you're pretty much covered at all. Let me see I got stats right here. Think you do what six inch cross cuts on six inch 6 inch cross cuts, yeah, vertical fence, baseboard against Francis three and a half vertical capacity. It'S four and a half horizontal capacity is five and a quarter. 45-Degree bevel cut capacity is two by six it'll. Do a 90 degree cross cut on a four by four two points: 90 degree. Crosscut capacity is two point: six-dimensional lumber suite. So you 5 pounds man 30. It'S got them on board, I mean he just played dead. She'S, probably just take this thing off of them pop that off. Oh, no, no, you don't have to take it off. You just go in there with the wrench blade that will pop that will pop out. I don't think you take a guard off. No, sometimes you got to loosen these Tikva yeah and then that will pop back ticket. Well, thanks for bringing it up now, Eric's gonna spend the rest of the night trying to figure out how to put a blade on it. Yep now check it out. You guys Jules and, don't forget ultimate tool: bag giveaways coming up December 25th right! Let us know what you guys think about the bolts are perfect tools in action. Remember for more exciting to election. The tools in action, dot-com
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