Fools nation calm: what do we talk about today? Miter saw 10 inch 10 inch. Miter saw what is it the dw7 one? Three wow man got one right all right yeah. Why do we need a 10 inch? Miter saw it's nice because of the weight because a lot of times you're not cutting the you know the bigger lumber and stuff like that 10 inch. What'S the weight on this 30 compound 35 pounds nine pounds so as opposed to 12-inch miter that we love right. Yeah neither got 780, which is our favorite. Even Erik agrees. That'S the miter saw reviews in the market as far as now granted it doesn't have a glide system which is nice, the glides is beautiful, it's a hole saw and the hole saw as a whole. It'S just one of the best better job site saws that we think out there. But, like Eric said, you know, with the 10 inch we got a wood flooring project. We can carry this thing around, it's easy one-handed, then other things are pain. I almost need to people. I have to carry it upstairs to this wood project. We'Re doing well, it is, is heavily take it up. There, take it down and off the truck. You know and move it around it. Does you get ready unless you're taking and setting it up on a job just leaving it? Then it's not bad, but moving it around right and this star right here. You guys is a great bargain because it's like right around $ 200 and it doesn't have all the features like the double bevel compound. Miter saw sliding or anything like that, but it does miter and it does have a one-sided compound to it and how many amps, I think it's 15 mm 15 amps. So it's got the power to get through. You know what most 90 % of all your jobs are gonna. Do you know you're gonna be able to hear it, yeah it's a great little saw um? We also put these things on here. I don't know if you guys can see if I move it down, but there to dw7 three two one legs and now does this allow you to attach it to the big you know the guys it's the big one, not the little ones. I wish that I could see. Please see those legs, you guys right here. So basically you can just put it under the wall trail system, which we have, I just don't have it set up on there right now. Okay, go up now a couple things about to saw you guys when I first got this saw, I saw on that you can get a light system for it and that's what we like about the DW 780, the motor. So it doesn't come with one. It doesn't come with one, but now wait. The DW 780, which is the big 12 inch, has that light which cast the shadow which perfect cuts as long as you're, not in bright sunlight. So when I first got the Stars like little snooze, okay go ahead! Well, the DWS 780 or the DWS seven one three and then it said on Amazon: hey, you could buy this light kit for it formed a wall. That'S gonna kick in there and you know easily screw in and make it work. So I ordered it, but it only works with type-1, DWS sub or DW. Seven one three is type one. This is a type I believe the type ones are not manufactured anymore. Oh, that was kind of a letdown kind of a butter. No, you know what I know honestly I have like with the 12-inch one. I don't never turn that light on. What really don't? Are you serious? You know, what are you use for the line just a pencil? What and when you pull down the blade to look at it? I do because, if I'm out of the sunlight it does unless I'm cutting, you know if, when I'm cutting in the direct sunlight yeah, I do so, I don't really do it. I mean that's just me, though. No that's just you. You have no idea what you're talking about. I don't, but it's a nice. It'S a nice drill. Man yeah, it's great, that's a great hammer. No it's a good little saw you guys, uh. You know everybody thinks with the wall whores whatever did it uh? You know everybody makes your thing why you guys think that never knew that. Well, you know what I'm saying. I mean everything I think the wall makes really good um. You know stars uh, circular saws. I think the wall is a great brand right. You don't call me a whore for it. That'S fine! No, but I mean like your blades, I don't like their blades I'll, be honest with you. I, like any other blade better. I just think that the wall blades are kind of you know not the greatest out there, but really tool shop. You like better toss out blade yeah. Well, I don't think Oh saplings are better, but you know you can go with like a Diablo, a Bosch, something well yeah. The aisle it makes nice bar stirs a farce. Is nice yeah um, you know, but like Milwaukee has great reciprocating saw sawzalls. You know the wall has good Jill's. You know good miter saws who do off the wall. Well, yeah! That'S what I'm saying so pretty simple unit you guys basically just comes as is with the blade installed and a little bag on the back. You can't attach it to your dull system, if you so have one and another great thing about this eric is it fits on a bench yeah which is nice? How does it come out with this head, like the arms or uh? Ah, no not this unit, but these you know the fencers come and come out. That'S about it, but you know it's really easy to operate just like the other ones. You just grab and turn real smooth with your intent, your defense, 25. You know and right I don't know if you guys will get zoomed in on that yeah. But we'll show you um, you know it's just a great all-around saw you can go and I know what we did. The 909 just go out, buy yourself a hundred and thirty hundred $ 40 tennis or all day long. You know, but you're gonna spend a little bit extra for something like this quality and it's probably gonna be the last one you ever buy. Even if you're on a job site I'll, let you in Chicago, then it's gonna get stolen yeah. But you know pretty good stuff in the wall three year warranty what else we need to know about this thing I don't know I think you're pretty much covered at all. Let me see I got stats right here. Think you do what six inch cross cuts on six inch 6 inch cross cuts, yeah, vertical fence, baseboard against Francis three and a half vertical capacity. It'S four and a half horizontal capacity is five and a quarter. 45-Degree bevel cut capacity is two by six it'll. Do a 90 degree cross cut on a four by four two points: 90 degree. Crosscut capacity is two point: six-dimensional lumber suite. So you 5 pounds man 30. It'S got them on board, I mean he just played dead. She'S, probably just take this thing off of them pop that off. Oh, no, no, you don't have to take it off. You just go in there with the wrench blade that will pop that will pop out. I don't think you take a guard off. No, sometimes you got to loosen these Tikva yeah and then that will pop back ticket. Well, thanks for bringing it up now, Eric's gonna spend the rest of the night trying to figure out how to put a blade on it. Yep now check it out. You guys Jules and, don't forget ultimate tool: bag giveaways coming up December 25th right! Let us know what you guys think about the bolts are perfect tools in action. Remember for more exciting to election. The tools in action, dot-com
4/1/2018 0 Comments DeWALT DWS780 12" Double Bevel Sliding Compound Miter Saw and the DWX726 Rolling StandOkay, what's up everybody dan and eric with tools in action calm, this is Eric. I'M Dan today we're going to talk about the wall. News 780, one of the best mic dogs on the market. In my humble opinion, I think, and we're going to go over it. We use it for our flooring project, so cutting up hardwood floors been awesome. 15-Amp was in 3,000 rpm 3000 3800 XPS lighting system, which will go over, which actually comes out really nice yeah. It gives you the most accurate cuts. I'Ve saw more hectic than the laser. It gives you the exact.
Wherever you see, that shadow is where that play button, all the way down the side. Are you really put all the stock up legs cause you can't roll again and worthless in the Sun, so it's cool, it's the cool system and if we got stand for it yeah, so the stairs large you like to stand a lot. Basically, the capacity I'm going to Dan go ahead and open it all: okay, the da-are, seven to six yep 300 pound capacity on it as you can see, and we have it in a storage position right now, which is pretty cool for your garage or whatever. If you want to throw it up against the wall, takes it out of the way yeah I'll go ahead and throw it up. Watch the cameras. It'S got two wheels either you roll it around. Basically, you just go down like that. Pull up on this handle here and waxing the place gas assistance truck makes it you know so you're not pulling the whole 56 column on your own weight. It'S got. The rollers on each side go up to eight feet. Definitely nice! I, like it yeah Danny. If once it's out here is very very sturdy, the downside is to take it off. You have four bolts you actually have to loosen and then you can take your Best Miter Saw out, but no quick release, yeah no quick release or anything like that. But once it's on ER it's on there, so that positive right for mobility, it's great, but it also does have wrench storage here, please, the wrench is actually on the stand to take it off. So let's go a little bit over the DWS 780. Okay! Okay, as you can see like you, talked about it's a great song, it's got the 45s, all your indent stuff like that, then, once they're indented are in there for the details. Once it's locked into place, it's very solid. We don't get any movement on there. So they're able to right yeah I mean like, like I said, for precision. This thing is a great quick foot. As you can see, it does lack in a place right here and the one nice thing is. If you don't want to miter, you just want to turn into a regular. I'M sorry, you don't want the sweaty. Just like right in my lazy ways. Did you have any angle so locks right into place? Lets you just need it for the normal by the normal plant system. Definitely smooth cuts with this thing. You know it was great. What we're going to do is plug er in another cool thing about the XPS system. Is it kind of like your work? So you know I was out here to kind of get dark out nice. You could see my work, then you see the tool itself lit up. Let's make sure we can see it on the camera yeah I'm going to come in for that one Eric. So, as you see Eric just put a piece of flooring on there and when he brings the blade down, see that line right there, that sharp line looks like a pencil line. That'S exactly where this blade is going to cut exactly the width everything. So that's my favorite feature of this saw right. There I mean that's going to save me. Tons and tons of you know, messing ups, wood, and Turnitin. So all right Eric talk to us about the star. What do we got couple things is that the Walt put on this one is: if you just press the button, you can move it back right and left like it once you get down and lock into place. If you don't want to push the button, it all has this little switch just lift up, and then you can just move it back and forth. Switch, isn't a big deal to use it or the? I should say I'm a big deal hold on moving it back and forth. Oh, it does do obviously battle cuts and one thing to walk put on here, which is very cool, there's kind of levers and uh there basically stops all you do. Are you can move people the top one over click automatic? It puts you at 22.5. Move that move the bottom one over and puts you at 33.9 moves them out of the way, and you can do anything you want up to 45 degrees. Pull this lever on the back and then obviously the right way. The rights goes to the right side of 45 degrees also, but it does have the zero stop and this I actually had a really good cutting capacity with the back fence. It does 2 by 16 dimensional lumber at 90 degrees and they'll. Do a 2 by 12 of 45 degree notes? Okay. Why do you so quiet on me? Oh that's hot! I thought you're talking now yeah. Nothing also, sorry, nothing else to say I'm right now where you know what go ahead. One thing I like is when it's fully extended: there's not much clay on the wheels all the way back here. So you that's, like Dana, seen very accurate for cutting seeing other saws, where you get a little bit more play once fully extended all the way back and another good feature about it. Is this intake right here for all your dust actually does a pretty good job of collecting? I think they set up to 90 % of all your dust is collected through that malaria go ahead, make cutter just like butter. No there's a lot more stats on our website. We'Re not going to bore you with all the stats of this and everything I can do so check out tools in action. Calm, we're going to pull right up and look for more information on it and then don't forget to check out our Facebook. If you sign up, if you like us on Facebook, you're automatically entered to win any of the tools that we give away, also check out, our you know subscribe to our YouTube videos, don't forget out at the wall honors group a lot of information on these tools. Another DeWall prize yeah - and I definitely highly recommend this - I think it's a great song. It is really nice. We'Ve done the Bosch glide song yeah, the boss flight saw, I mean one thing. I did notice on the box slides I'd love to have that like space back here cuz, you can put it flush up against the wall. I do like the posh takes a little bit longer to change the actual blade yeah, not a juicer um. You know but - and this is a little lighter than the box - it's a lot cheaper yeah. I don't it are cheap, but I think what about almost maybe 10 pounds later yeah, but that axle glides beautiful you know, but I love the XPath system, definitely recommend it closed engine. This is one of the best might goes on the market. Right now don't feel six all out. Oh 11/28/2017 1 Comment Do you need a miter saw? | Mere MiniIs a miter saw something you need when setting up a brand new woodworking shop know if your interest is strictly doing, woodworking projects then get a table saw because there's nothing you can do on a miter saw that can't be done on a table saw, but as A homeowner who's going to be doing lots of home-improvement and repair project. It'S really handy to have a miter saw it's often used in rough construction for say, cutting posts or pieces for a fence or lattice or something like a 2x4. It'S easy to just chop it into pieces.
It'S simple and quick to make those cuts. All you do is take your board line it up against your fence. A couple of things to keep in mind is, of course, keep your hands well away from the blade, and the second thing is to make sure that the blade is running at its full speed before you bring it down onto the board and when you do bring it down onto the board cut through slowly, and that makes it really easy to cut all sorts of materials. I use it for cutting electrical conduit as well as PVC and plumbing drain pipe. But of course, the reason why it's called a miter saw is that you can make miter cuts in it; in other words, you can pivot the saw to various angles. My saw has the ability to make angle cuts either direction, and it's got markings to show you what angle to set it at. Most of them will lock in place at 45, which is your most common angle. That'S really handy for installing Cove molding and ceiling trim and, of course, making picture frames. Some miter saws like this one are called compound, miter saws because they also allow you to tilt the blade. But if you're considering buying a miter saw, I would save your money and not get a compound. Miter saw it's just a feature that most of us won't be needing. I'Ve had this off for about 13 years and I think I've had to tilt the blade. Maybe twice another consideration is the size of the saw itself. This is a 12-inch miter saw which is really more than I need. I rarely cut a board. That'S this wide. I would take the money and get a 10-inch miter saw if I was going to this again plus the blades on Tillich miter saw are much cheaper. Now, of course, this is just a very brief overview of the miter saw. There are a lot of other features to a miter saw and there's a lot of different types of miter saws, including a sliding miter, saw, which will let you cut wider boards. So my recommendation is, for a 10-inch noncompound. Miter saw you'll, be surprised. How many uses you'll find for it around the house? You last year, when two won't release their flexible line of tools, we're excited but skeptical, and especially about the 12-inch full-sized miter saw and how it would perform on the job site. We spent the last six months evaluating this saw with replaced it with two different crews building a house as well as dozens of remodeling projects. This long evaluation process obviously was a long wait for you guys, but we feel we've been able to fully vet. This amazing new saw the first, and probably the most important feature of this saw has been its ability to use it as a cordless saw when we had no power to eventually switching over and running it plugged into AC power source.
It is designed to run off a 2 flex, volt batteries, 6 volt battery pack, and you can also run it on an AC power by installing a converter that basically plugs into the battery sockets. This option makes the new flexible off one of the most versatile, cordless tools: we've ever used or tested. Having this type of option available on a high demand, miter saw drawing cordless power. It'S absolutely amazing and it allows users the maximum amount of flexibility to get the job done on one tool. Let's talk a little bit about performance in order to get to full the real graph of overall performance. With this new saw, we started using it on a beginning on a framing of a new house. We just figured - let's just start with the house and finish with the house, so we used it when there was no power on the site. Yet we have generator running and we use the salt all the way through the stages to the finish stage, when we had power, we were running off of AC. What stood out the most about this miter saw is how well it performed both cordless and in corded modes. There was no noticeable difference in performance from one mode to the other, and the saw performs just as you'd expect any other 12 inch. All miter saw to perform it's basically the same saw, but it's got different power modes. Framing the walkout portion of the project. The crew is able to cut framing lumber all day on to battery packs. I will say that we did plug them in at lunch. As added insurance because we didn't want it to die on us, but 30 minutes at lunch, but in retrospect I don't think we needed that. I don't think we needed to do that. So I had plenty of power for cutting framing materials, including engineered lumber, and even even when we did it we're running on a cordless mode. There were no problems with engineered lumber, precision and accuracy is important in a miter saw and we found it to be an accurate saw right out of the box. We didn't have to do any adjustments to the miter or bevel factory settings, which was a really nice surprise. Usually you have to do some sort of tweaking. After six months of use, we were continued continued to be impressed because there's no accuracy or precision adjustments needed either, even though we used it in rough framing and finish no problems. We use the strategy to do. Trim exterior trim interior trim, decking oak stair treads all with great success and again I'd compared this soft to any of the DeWalt saws that I've used over the years. It'S an amazing little saw it's packed with a ton of features, all the things that you would expect on a quality miter saw. This is always 56 pounds. It has a cut capacity of 6 and 3/4 of an inch. It will miter left to 50 degrees and right to 60 degrees. Our favorite feature is the cut blade line positioning system. It'S that shadow line that lights up the blade too often offering this for a while. Now, it's probably the best out there in the market. I love it. People are copying it now, the miter controls and detents. They all work flawlessly easy to adjust. And, lastly, the blade guard that Dewalt uses is probably the best in the market out there. In my opinion, it works smoothly. It never gets hung up and, like I said, one of the best guards out there talk about runtime of a saw. We found the runtime to be excellent. First of all, we did a. We did a runtime test when we first got it over the summer and we were able use a 2 by 12 and we were able to achieve 124 cups. Now we did the test with six 60 of our batteries and they will brand new batteries and the tests involve basically cutting the two by twelve every ten seconds up to ten cuts and then letting it saw rest for a minute. And we would repeat that cycle again and again, allowing it to rest until the battery drink. We felt that cycle that type of repetition cycle was the best way to simulate actual job site use, instead of just continuously cutting. Obviously, with the new nine amp hour battery packs the runtimes going to be even greater, we get that a job site use. We follow so I had plenty of runtimes basically keep the crew going throughout the day, and if you know, if you have a crew, that's maybe working a demanding application. Framing all the time just get an extra set of batteries, you're good to go as far as improvements. This song is really good and doesn't have much in the way of issues that we found to be noteworthy. I guess I would love it. What would explore the option to allow for the bevel adjustments, maybe to be in the front? We said I had to reach around and undo that knob. But you know it's not the end of the world and it's easy enough to maneuver. A larger issue that we did discover with the flexible miter saw is that there is some sort of electoral electrical interference issue while doing finish work in the new house. We were building for this client. We discovered this issue and we're hoping to obviously that the wall can resolve it in the near future. Here'S issue when we were plugged in using the saw with the AC adapter we were, we were causing breakers to trip on the electrical panel in the house and, what's really interesting. What'S strange is the fact that we weren't tripping the circuit that we would directly plugged into? We were tripping other dual function: type circuits like AFCI GFCI breakers in the panel there's got to be some sort of an issue with the converter and signal sending through the electrical system, not really sure. Needless to say, it's a nuisance, that's not fun to deal with and one that customers are likely going to be annoyed with if you're doing renovations and remodeling work in their home. We reached out to Dewalt with the issue they're looking into it, we're hoping they can address the problem, but that's a minor issue in the grand scheme of things overall performance overall impression of the stuff guys. It'S amazing. The last year we've seen a bunch of cordless miter saws come out in the market. They all made their debut, and I got to be honest with you. The results have been very impressive. However, none of them are full-size 12 inch. Miter saws that give you the option to plug directly into AC power as well as use cordless. The flexible miter saw is the best full-sized miter saw for job site applications in our opinion, offering all the features of a Dewalt 12 inch sliding compound miter saw, and it gives you that option to cordless it's hard really to compare it to any of these. Other cordless saws in the market. There is no comparison with the recent availability of the 9 amp hour battery pack. The star is even going to have greater runtime and versatility. This saw selves are seven hundred and ninety-nine dollars. I got to tell you: that's a fair price for quality saw that has such amazing flexibility for contractors. I'M rod Robillard, please consider subscribing just click that button right there below. We need your support and we'll see you at the next tool review. I exchanged some MLM tools: machinery today we're going to replace the bearings on your typical Dewalt miter saw first, I'm going to remove the belt cover and we're going to take off the bolt for the pulley. Then we need to loosen up these four screws, and now we need to loosen up the tensioner now we'll take all the tension off your belt, so we can get this out of the way. Now that that's done, we need to go to the other side. Now we got to take this cover off so we can get your brushes out of the way and you simply just pull them back. I like to spring flop down behind it. We need to take out your armature cover bolts, and we just need to push this out from the back and with that out of the way and pull your armature up.
As you can see, this is typically what happens to these bearings they'll seize and weld up, and basically, no more, no Bueno, typical, very burned out. You need to heat up this pulley just a little bit now. We just have to take off this retaining ring and back here is a little knob. You can just grab ahold pry it out with your little screwdriver and lift it up, and then you can walk it up all the way around now comes the fun part. We got to crack this bearing and then we can get to the inner race and pull it off. You will need access to some sort of ice that will allow you to pinch that bearing and split it in half now you'll need a small bearing puller, but you can get it most tools, supply places, and then you want to just pinch it around the rib. In the inner bearing race, now there are a few different ways you can go about pulling this off of here. You can rig up a device to hold this in a shop vise bench vise. A lot of people want to tend to hit this with a hammer. Don'T do that we'll paint it over! You can use a punch of brass punch. A lot of guys will put the screw back in it and punch that, but either way, this has to come out of that race and we'll use our handy-dandy, bearing press and now what it comes. That is the old bearing seal which would still be on there. So make sure you take that off and toss that all the way to the back, bearing you can do the same way the same tool just get underneath it. So you can pinch it now. We need to put the brains back on here's your new, bearing back on the same way. It came off with our press. Here we can do them both at the same time. You can put the other one on there and get it ready and then throw that one in there one squeeze back together and we're back in business. Now we don't really need the vise for this next step. However, it helps to be able to have both hands-frees. You have to put this ring back on, so we can start with the leg start that around the one edge and then just kind of walk it around once. It'S all the way around and on just shove it down and it locks right in that groove and then we take your pulley. You got a keyway on each side, just make sure you're looking line it up. This will have to get tapped on I like to use something you can use a block of wood or a soft faced hammer when you go to put this back on. You can use a block of wood or soft faced hammer, but it's just got to get tap back down till it's flush, and then we had to put the keys back in. They usually drop right in and while that's out you have it locked clamped in, you can put the bolt back on then we're ready to throw it back in the machine. We take our completed armature slide it back into the field, sure it seats in the housing. All the way, and then we just fish it through the hole. Now when you put these bolts back in, you have to kind of tighten them in a pattern, so it pushes so it pulls the bearing back into the house will go a little bit on that. One we'll cross this one come down to this one. Now we can drop our brushes back in place. This is a good time here to check the length of your brushes they're, getting about due to be replaced, it's probably a good time to replace them. While you have it throw our cover back on and we can throw our belt back on typically, while these bearings fail is because at the factory they seem to put way too much tension on the So if you've got a brand new best compound miter saw or if it's never been serviced plan on having this bearing serviced, when we tighten it up, we don't put as much tension on it still has plenty of traction. However, it seems to be safer. If you have a kickback, it will allow all the motor to slip on the belt as opposed to forcing all that power into the into the blade. Now we got to tighten it back down, that's usually plenty of tension right there. We can throw a belt cover back on, and that is that, let's see if we did our job right and you folks are back in business thanks for watching. Please leave some comments down below here and we enjoy your feedback. |
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